Each year in Australia, around 700 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed. Despite this, many people remain unfamiliar with the disease—or even that dentists routinely check for signs of...
If you’ve cracked a tooth, you must seek professional help. Here’s what you need to know. A cracked tooth (a.k.a. tooth fracture) is a sign of use. Although our teeth...
Mills Road Dental is a nib First Choice Dental provider. Such providers are known as ‘preferred providers’ — dental clinics with a contractual agreement with a health fund to deliver...
Time flies. And it's easy to let things slip, especially with dental appointments. So, if you’re due for your 6-monthly dental checkup and clean, we can’t blame you for putting...
Is your credit card feeling fatigued? Do you feel sick at the thought of spending more money? You’re not alone. With interest rates increasing 13 times over 15 months since...
Maintaining an optimal oral hygiene routine was once considered a little dull to talk about in trendy circles. After all, what’s sexy about a four-dollar toothbrush and standard, household-name toothpaste...
There’s no way to sugarcoat this: brushing is good, but it’s not quite enough. If you’re brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and sticking to a relatively...
Keep Kids' Teeth Cavity-Free Don't let your children suffer the burden of tooth decay, pain and debilitating extractions. Their teeth are so important, so let's look after them. PUBLISHED: 25/2/2020...
25/2/2020 A 2020 article in the West Australian newspaper (paywall alert) shed light on alarming news: dentists were pulling out rotten teeth from approximately 21 children a week at Perth...
We often make resolutions at the start of the year that relate to our physical health and fitness, but what about our oral health? As we pass the half-way mark through the...